Monthly Parking

For the first month of subscription of the parking fee, it is on a pro-rata basis. For cancellation, customer is required to give 30 days notice in advance to Sun Wah Centre and return the monthly pass.


#338-268 Keefer St,
Vancouver Chinatown (Sun Wah Centre), BC V6A 1X5


Email: /

Phone number: 778-707-7702 / 778-232-3593

Please select your pass package

1. Choose Pass packages

Midnight only 7pm to 8am (next day)

$100.80 CAD / month (tax included)

Daytime 7:30am to 7pm

$130.65 CAD / month (tax included)

Overnight 7:30am to 8am (next day)

$146.28 CAD / month (tax included)

2. Enter payment information

  1. Select one of the passes above
  2. Enter the information below
  3. Click Register and Submit Payment

If you want to suspend the parking for this month, please go to here.

If you want to cancel or change the parking subscription, please go to here.