Santa Claus is coming to Chinatown

Santa Claus is coming to Chinatown

Sun Wah Centre and Disability Club Benevolent Society are going to organize a Christmas event named ‘Santa Claus is coming to Chinatown‘. The purpose of this event is to make Chinatown a more joyful place during Christmas time, especially under the gloomy side of COVID-19. During the event, Sun Wah Centre will give out free gifts in Chinatown.

Here is the event detail:
Date: 14/12 – 18/12/2020
Time: 2PM-5PM
Venue: 268 Keefer St, at Sun Wah Centre front gate
Each person can take one free gift, first come first serve while stocks last

Sun Wah Centre does not encourage social gatherings. In order to avoid crowded gatherings in front of the building, all participants must follow the Provincial Public Health Guidelines, plus the following safety rules:

Event Regulations

  1. Masks are mandatory, please wear a mask when you line up/in the building.
  2. Follow the tape markings and maintain 6 feet social distancing between yourself and others at all times. 
  3. Only 2 persons are allowed to enter the gate each time.
  4. Each person can only take one set of gift per day. First come first served while stocks last.
  5. When 2 persons come out from the building with Christmas gifts, Santa Claus will let other two persons to get into the building.
  6. No choice for receiver, we give out gift based on age (Adult/Child/Elderly/Baby)
  7. Leave the venue after you received the gift
  8. Do not stay in the gift zone for more than 3 minutes, or security will ask you to leave
  9. You are welcome to take pictures with our Santa Claus, but please maintain social distance and wear mask.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and stay safe.